Welcome your customers in a safe environment

Return viral load to zero in suites and hotel rooms between 2 guests

30 minutes to sanitise a conference room (40m²)

Your office sanitised as you left them

Safe for your health and effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi

Treatment specific to each application and space
A Swissmedic validated techonology
Virucide, bactericide, sporicide and fungicide guaranteeing the sanitisation of your premises
Quick and trouble-free implementation
Quick recovery of your spaces, without inconvenience to people or damage to stored goods
A tailor-made service
Flexibility and attention to your needs
A disinfection certificate
For the serenity of your customers and employees
Need more information?
Visit our main website page
Fast – Safe – Validated by Swissmedic
Your meeting room ready to receive your clients with confidence in 30 min
Neef Services SA
Our company offers 20 years of experience in the air hygiene and maintenance of ventilation systems.
We are proud to offer an innovative service dedicated to the disinfection of premises in response to the health crisis Covid-19.
Developed by a Swiss company, this nano-nebulization technic is the ideal solution to address the current health situation which engenders insecurity, work absenteeism and slowing economic activity.